Remodelación Local Comercial JUGUETERIA
Arq.Jimena AYALA
Our main challengue was to transfer to architecture the climate inspired by the brand: freshness, informality, and mainly colors (yellow, green, violet and fuchsia). From the beginning there was a clear need for and open floor to improve circulation and display of products (toys).
For the architects like me who where educated in the modernism, preservation (Façade) is a necessary evil that we understand rationally but not emotively, except when what is preserved is of high quality.
Arch. Jimena Ayala
Estudio A2JD
Jorge D`ALESSANDRO & Asoc.
Santa Fe - Argentina
Ubicación: San Martín esq. Irigoyen Freire - Santa Fe
Area Intervenida: 75 m2
Empresa Constructora: H.G & Asoc.
Iluminaciòn: Phillips Argentina
Fotografia: Matt